NCYC Planning Timeline & Key Milestones

NFCYM is committed to hosting impactful National Catholic Youth Conferences (NCYC). We know this requires detailed information for planning and participation. Below is a synopsis of our planning timeline and key milestones to facilitate effective coordination by group leaders. 

NCYC Planning Timeline: 

Monday before Thanksgiving

  • NFCYM announces the date and location of the next NCYC and opens the registration, housing, and scholarship processes. Our website ( will reflect the next conference theme, general schedule, and emcees.

    Emcee and theme information may be shared with participants after that calendar year’s conference before the website is updated.

On or about December 1

  • We will announce sponsorship opportunities.

On or about February 15

  • General session speakers are announced. NFCYM reserves the right to share this information with Exchange participants before the public announcement. 

On or about May 15

  • We will begin to post breakout session topics and speakers. Session descriptions will be posted as they become available.

On or about June 15

  • NFCYM begins accepting exhibitor applications from eligible members. 

On or about July 1

  • Non-members may apply for exhibit space.

On or about September 15

  • The interactive exhibit hall service projects are announced. 

On or about October 15

  • Rooming lists are due to hotels.

On or before November 1

  • NCYC pass sales end, and registration closes.
  • All participant data must be entered into the registration system.
  • The official NCYC app launches with a detailed conference schedule, speaker biographies, and exhibit floor plan.

A dedicated team of members, contractors, vendors, and staff manages NCYC. Together, we strive to provide group leaders with sufficient planning time and keep our members informed and engaged throughout the process. NFCYM staff commits to transparent communication via the website regarding any delays affecting the outlined milestones. 

We appreciate your dedication to the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) and NCYC. Your feedback and involvement are key to our success. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns. 

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2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker. 


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.

Sign Up for Event Updates.


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.

2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker.