


Thank you for your interest in the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). To facilitate your coverage of NCYC and to expedite on-site credentialing, please email Natalie Ibarra, NFCYM Communications Manager, at [email protected]

As NCYC participants are predominantly high-school age youth, advance registration assists NFCYM with our mandate to maintain a safe environment for our participants. You will have to affirm that your compliance with the code of conduct and public health protocols as part of on-site credential pick-up.

NO media personnel will be allowed into secured areas without official NCYC credentials.


In connection with participation in NCYC, all participants, including members of the media, must abide NFCYM’s code of conduct. Further, media personnel should limit their contact with minor participants to that which is appropriate to their role in covering the event.


Exposure to infectious illness is an inherent risk in any public location when people are present. NFCYM cannot guarantee that NCYC participants will not be exposed to infectious illnesses like but not limited to COVID-19 and influenza.

NFCYM is committed to the safety and well-being of all NCYC participants. Our public health protocols, including those concerning vaccines, masking, and social-distancing, will match the requirements set forth by local health officials.

At this time, there are no special public health protocols or requirements in place.  NFCYM reserves the right to amend its protocols and requirements based on recommended best practices and local requirements in place at the time of NCYC.



The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) gathers thousands of Catholic teens, parish youth ministry coordinators, bishops, pastors, parents, school campus ministers, adult chaperones, coaches, scout leaders, and diocesan leaders from across the United States. Sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), the three-day experience offers an opportunity for young people to encounter Christ, experience Church, and be empowered for discipleship. NCYC provides teens and their leaders time for prayer, service, reconciliation, eucharist, and recreation. For more information about the National Catholic Youth Conference, visit


All logos, graphics, photographs, and other illustrations are the exclusive property of NFCYM. Media sources may use the content provided if they provide property credit to NFCYM.

Please email Natalie Ibarra at [email protected] to request access to logos and images.


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2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker. 


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.

2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker.