Zoom Q&A: What Group Leaders are Asking and Our Answers

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How to register and who can register to attend NCYC?  (0:13)

Registration is now open for NCYC 2023 Fully Alive! Purchase tickets at ncyc.us/buy-passes 

NCYC’s programming is geared toward high school teens. Contact your local diocese to see if they are going and if you can join them. Individual parishes, schools, scout groups, families may also register. 

After purchasing tickets for a group, you can begin entering names. We suggest that names be entered by September 30. 

Middle school students and college-aged students may come by the discretion of their local delegation leader, but keep in mind safe environment compliances in your local diocese. For middle schoolers, a higher ratio of chaperones to students may be required. College-aged students are usually over 18 and would require adult safe environment training  

Are scholarships available? (0:55)

Scholarships are available for individuals at ncyc.us/scholarships. The deadline to apply is March 31. Unfortunately, we do not have a form in Spanish.  

Please also visit that page to request an inquiry for a group scholarship.  

Who are this year’s speakers and what kind of breakouts will be offered? (03:08)  

If you watch the full video, there is a sneak preview of who our keynote speakers will be. Keynote speakers will be officially announced soon.  

This year, we will feature 3 breakout rounds on Friday and 3 breakout rounds on Saturday, giving each young person a plethora of options to choose from. We are currently working on matching identified desired outcomes of each breakout with a speaker. Breakout session topics and speakers will be announced later.  

Will there be room availability for Region Masses?  (05:49)

This will be on a first-come, first serve basis and most likely have a cost. When we have more information, we will communicate with regions to reserve a room. 

Will NFCYM provide any ground transportation? (06:50)

NFCYM does not provide ground transportation in Indianapolis. All ground transportation will need to be booked independently, whether it is getting from the airport to the hotel or the hotel to the convention center. Buses can drop off and pick up participants at designated areas. Buses can also be parked at designated spots at Lucas Oil Stadium.  

To find ground transportation providers, go to visitindy.com. 

Will there be floor seating for general sessions?  (09:48)

We are looking at ways to accommodate and organize this. More information to come.  

Will masks be required?  (10:59)

If the local health department or facility requires masks, then it will be required. If not, it will be up to individual discretion. At this time, there are no mandates by either of these bodies. 

Will permission click be used?  (11:26)

Yes, permission slips/forms will be emailed to parent emails that are entered when registering individual participants.  

These forms will be sent to the given parent email address in September.  

What will be the safe environment policy?  (13:45)

Although it is still under review, we have proposed the same safe environment policy we used in Long Beach in 2022. This policy required adults to be verified through the delegation leader with the safe environment policy of their local diocese. Many dioceses require a volunteer covenant, training, and fingerprinting for all adults who are chaperoning or working with young people.  

On site when picking up credentials, the delegation leader will sign a waiver stating all of their volunteers and chaperones are clear for service in accordance to their local diocesan policy. 

Volunteers and speakers are required to be safe environment checked.  

Exhibitors will not be required to be safe environment checked due to their role in NCYC. 

Will NCYC have disability accessibility?  (17:20)

NCYC requires a lot of walking. It is recommended that those who require accommodation should think of ways to ease their transportation within the facility by using a motorized scooter or having help from companions. All facilities do cater to accessibility needs.  

Can you bring food into the convention center?  (18:18)

Individuals may bring food into the convention center for themselves.  

Groups should not bring any large amount of catering for their group. This is not permissible in the convention center. 

We do not know if there will be food trucks at this time. 

When and will we have content about the themes of the general session? (19:19)

As the project team continues to work, we hope to develop the themes of the general sessions and release them through pre-conference material via our blog at ncyc.us/blog. 

Will there be any bilingual content?  (19:48)

General sessions always continue to integrate multicultural and multilingual elements. Our conference is mostly presented in English; however, we are looking for ways to offer a Spanish translation by active headphones during the conference. Speakers and talent are welcome to include their own cultural gifts and languages in their presentations. We hope to offer a few breakout sessions in Spanish or bilingual.  

We also hope to offer ASL interpretation. 

How do we let you know our bishop is attending NCYC?  (25:24)

If your bishop is attending NCYC, you may add them to your registration.  

NFCYM will comp a bishop’s ticket and offer them the opportunity to book a room at the Marriot downtown, but their diocese must handle their housing and transportation. In the past, NFCYM has tried to assist in organizing transportation to and from the airport. 

Bishops will be receiving a physical invitation with a QR code to RSVP in the coming months. 

What is this year’s theme?  (26:44)

This year’s theme is Fully Alive. There are eucharistic elements to this theme. We are fully alive in the Eucharist.  

Do forms need to be notarized?  (28:36)

The need for notarization is determined by the group’s sponsoring organization. NFCYM does not require any forms to be notarized. Past group leaders have shared with us that their organization requires notarization when youth are traveling out of state (which would include international destinations).

What is something that you are excited about? (30:38)

We are excited about our breakout process this year. We started by identifying topics and learning outcomes that are important to young people. We will then identify and match speakers that will align with these topics and learning outcomes. This is something we have not done in the past and we believe it has brought more cohesion, intention, and streamlined the process. 

Will there be an interactive exhibit? (32:48)

There will be an interactive exhibit hall this year.  

We are in discussion with multiple organizations to discern what our best service project will be this year. 

How can you make substitutes?  (34:04)

In the group leader portal, you can make edits to your participant names. Here, you can change names and make substitutions. 

When will exhibits be open?  (34:48)

By June 1, we will have an approved floor plan. After, we will accept applications for exhibit booths based on the hierarchy of sponsors, members, and open applications. You can sign up to receive updates by emailing [email protected]. 

Will there be an app this year?  (35:43)

Yes, an app will be provided like last year. We will explore ways to allow downloadable content to be accessible within the app so that internet availability will not be a difficulty. We plan on hosting downloadable access to the map and schedule on our website.  

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2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker. 


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.

Sign Up for Event Updates.


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.

2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker.