At NCYC, clergy…
Since 1983 NCYC has continually served as an impactful anchor point in the faith journey of the young Church and continues to be a reminder that there is a thriving national community of young Catholics.
NCYC is a great way for bishops, priests, and deacons to engage and interact with the young church. It is an opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist, confer the sacrament of Reconciliation, and to witness for young people the joy in your vocation to the priesthood.
NCYC has a capacity of 10,000 this year and we are excited to share young people’s stories, ask questions, receive blessings, and enjoy your presence as they witness Jesus Christ.
For more information, please email Alma Leon at [email protected].

My brother bishops, I encourage you once again to join me, to share this event with your diocesan youth director, pastors, and youth ministers, and to support your own diocesan youth delegation for NCYC. NCYC models the call to accompany young people on their path to discipleship and their lifelong journey towards holiness as “the now of God,” to quote Pope Francis.
Archbishop Nelson J. Perez, Archdiocese of Philadelphia