Fundraising for Youth Travel Programs

Learn More About Fundraising for Youth Travel Programs


NFCYM recently hosted a webinar titled “Fundraising for Youth Travel Programs” with Keven Feyen from the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa. Kevin shared many different fundraising categories but stressed that the most important task of fundraising is to communicate your vision! NFCYM is making this webinar accessible to ministers in the field in the hopes it helps parishes and schools plan upcoming events like NCYC, summer camp trips, and World Youth Day!

During the webinar, Kevin asked participants to share the types of of fundraising they do in their parishes. Here are the responses: 


  • Mum sales
  • Christmas Eve luminaries
  • Christmas wreaths
  • Candy bar sales
  • Flea market
  • Selling pumpkins
  • Bake sales
  • Gift card sales/ SCRIP
  • Mother’s Day flower sale


  • Local hardware store donates a drill to be raffled off at the parish picnic
  • Drawing for a new TV


  • Car washes
  • Smoothie bar while waiting for car wash
  • 365 prayer fundraiser– donations from $1 (January 1) to $365 (December 31) are solicited and teens say a prayer on that day for the donor
  • Help other groups with their events in exchange for a donation (Optimist Club, Knights of Columbus).
  • Bottle drives
  • Providing volunteer services
  • Rent a worker – yard services


  • Poker tournament
  • 24-hour Rock a Thon– teens sit in rocking chairs and bond in prayer, games, and song
  • Youth Ministry auction
  • Italian dinner (partnered with Knights of Columbus)
  • “Who has more cents?”- competition between the men and women of the parish to collect loose change
  • Mardi Gras party
  • Trivia night- shout out to ProjectYM!
  • Corn hole tournament
  • Flamingo flocking parishioners’ lawns


  • Just asking– people like to give.
  • “Taking Stock in Our Youth”- asking for a donation and having a dinner for stockholders after the event.
  • “Adopt a Pilgrim” -parishioners were invited to sponsor a specific pilgrim who then sent them postcards, carried their prayer intentions, and met with them following the trip
  • Event sponsorships

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2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker. 


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.

Sign Up for Event Updates.


The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.

Members enjoy:

  • Professional training, resourcing, and support
  • Full access to our resources and webinars,
  • Special rates to NFCYM events, and more.

You will now be directed to NFCYM.ORG to complete registration.

2023 Host

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. Mari has joyfully worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher, and as a presenter for Ascension Press. Mari has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him.

2023 Host

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine is a native Texan, raised baptist in Houston Texas. Jesus called her to religious life in 2011 and in 2020 Sister made her final vows as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She ministers as a licensed mental health counselor, and also serves on the community vocations team and as a national speaker.